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How do adaptogens affect stress?Updated 5 months ago

How do adaptogens affect stress?

Adaptogens are plants that help protect our bodies from the effects of stress—aka the root of most of our health issues. Be it emotional (actual stress), physical (over-exertion) or environmental (toxins/pollution) stress, adaptogens help us normalize when our systems get thrown off.

Adaptogens work with your unique biology, re-balancing you based on your body’s individual needs. They work specifically by supporting our adrenals—the glands that control our hormonal stress response.

How often should I take adaptogens?

Adaptogens are best taken regularly to take advantage of their cumulative effect.  It can take a couple of weeks to feel the benefits, so be patient and consistent!

We also recommend taking one day off from your adaptogen routine each week, and one week off every six weeks. This allows your body to re-set so you can feel the full effects of the herbs.

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